Welcome to GanaWare!

Alliance Partner Program

The GanaWare Alliance Partner Program was created to further extend GanaWares breadth of product and service offerings for our clients. Through this program, GanaWare is strengthening relationships with leading consulting firms and enterprise system integrators to offer SFM configuration and deployment services. Through this program, our partners will be trained on the ES Platform and the SFM product as well as knowledge needed to configure our product for deployment at different businesses and industries. Our clients' continued success depends upon the availability of complete solutions that include products and complementary services that extends the core capabilities of GanaWare. By working together with our alliance partners, GanaWare ensures that our product will be deployed to work for our clients in the most cost effective and efficient manner.

If your firm is interested in gaining leverage in this new and exciting market of Business Activity Monitoring software and would like to learn more about our Alliance Partner Program, please contact us


[July 24, 2019]
GanaWare joins the Business Incubation Program at the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks

[May 22, 2017]
GanaWare presents BAM business at EDB's Venture Capital Conference

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