Welcome to GanaWare!

Solutions for Goverment

The Challenges

Governments of both developing and developed countries around the world today are facing the same fierce need to be as competitive and productivity as larger commercial enterprises. Forward-looking and effective public services are the keys to maintaining its competitive advantage. The Government is the largest employer in any country. Any slight inefficiency in execution or in strategy or policy directions might have an escalating impact on the economy of the country as a whole. Ensuring efficiency is particularly difficult given the large number of public service officers and the vast number of departments and organizations within the Government body. Ensuring policy and strategy directions is even harder. Long-term policies are never easy to implement successfully unless clear and concrete milestones are set so that objectives could be validated and revised, if need be, to fit with the current context of local and global economies.

The Solution

With GanaWare SFM product, Governments can set Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for each and every division of its Public Services as well as for their various initiatives, thus aligning the whole Government with predetermined directions and strategies. Different levels within the Government would be able to monitor their own as well as collective progresses and be alerted if there are any deviations, thus allowing immediate actions to be taken whenever necessary.

Furthermore, SFM's Collaboration Workspaces allow public service officers to share information and collaborate with each other, within and cross departments, to move toward a common goal.

SFM's Strategy Dashboards provide a clear picture of what's going on the implementation of policies. Navigations through projects allow management to pinpoint previously undetected problem areas.

The Benefits of Synergization

The use of our synergization technology helps Governments utilize their resources - such as finance, manpower, and infrastructure - effectively and efficiently to achieve and sustain competitiveness.

For finance, synergization enablSFMore timely and accurate budget tracking and control as well as automatic alerts and reminders of key financial events, thus maximizing benefits from tax and duties.

For manpower, synergization empowers public service officers to make more informed decisions and maximize collaboration and sharing of information, resulting in better service to citizens.

For infrastructure, synergization increases the chance of project completion on time and on budget!


[July 24, 2019]
GanaWare joins the Business Incubation Program at the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks

[May 22, 2017]
GanaWare presents BAM business at EDB's Venture Capital Conference

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