Welcome to GanaWare!


GanaWare SFM product was designed from day one for maximal flexibility - flexibility in deploying SFM at enterprises of any size and industry; flexibility in deploying SFM to work with different hardware and software platforms; and flexibility in integrating with different applications in an enterprise. SFM achieves this by using only open and/or industry de facto standards to support a wide range of APIs, protocols and middleware technologies.

Most importantly, we separate industry-specific domain knowledge from the Synergization mechanism that is universal across industries. The core Synergization capabilities are provided by the ES Platform. The SFM product provides a set of client applications and tools that work across industries. All industry-specific domain knowledge and parameters are stored separately in SFM Industry Templates. Industry Templates is a powerful mechanism that allows us to deploy SFM in different industries at a greatly reduced timeframe.

Our SFM product can be used by companies of any industry as all industries can take advantage and benefit from Synergization - increased synergies as well as better business management. And this is in simple terms what SFM is all about.


[July 24, 2019]
GanaWare joins the Business Incubation Program at the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks

[May 22, 2017]
GanaWare presents BAM business at EDB's Venture Capital Conference

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